My Bag of ♥LOVE! and some other things haul

Hello beautiful reader! I sooooo excited to share my Bag of Love August Bag that I've literally just received today! Do subscribe if you also wanted to be surprise every time you're opening a beauty box which is actually a bag! Does the website looks too cute to not share? I personally think a bag is better than a box as you can bring it anywhere with you... it is something you wanna keep forever. So...drum roll please!Here's the August Bag!! First of all, just take a look at the bag design. It is THE bag of LOVE...All the LOVE put into this bag is just LOVE! and I just LOVE LOVE LOVE this bag! soo cute and soo adorable that I couldn't resist to change my makeup bag to this bag instantly..:D . Mimi (the founder of Bag of Love) is just someone full of Love...she is also generous that she decided that she's going to donate RM1 for every bag subscribed. So paying RM39.90 is just something too little for this bag which obviously worth a lot more! ...