GSC Horror Fest! My thoughts/spoiler on Rigor Mortis, Second Sight AND Insidious 2 + GRAB SURPRISE BOX NOW!

Hello the beauties and the spookies!:) How's your day? Today post is kinda a weekend recap and movies review. I'm am over the moon when I got this invitation to the #GSC Horror Fest ! Thanks a lot lot lot Nuffnang and of course Churp2 for having the greatest horror event of them all...I mean..I don't really celebrate Halloween, but I remembered in kindergarten I went to an international school, not in Malaysia..I dressed up like a fairy princess. That's about the memory of celebrating Halloween! I don't really like spooky scary stuff because I'm such a scaredy people. But I wanna challenged myself to enjoy the day and guess what? I stayed the whole night! and had few nightmares day after :P Nuffnang and Churp2 had collaborate with GSC 1Utama to held this spookiest event! It was a night of horror movie marathon and loads more! I wasn't expecting this at all! They said to dress scary but I went in the middle not too scary and not too safe. So I choose to we...