{SECRET & TIPS} Beauty skin- care I can't live without. Rahsia kecantikan terbongkar la sangt..

Hello pretty awesome! Hope everything goes really well for you girls cause I'm hoping the same for me.. So,dulu2 kan...I had the most annoying skin problem...even so, I had it on off..but not as awful as before..Before, I would just wear heavy makeup everywhere and can't leave without it cause I hate being seen with naked face looking like a horrible scary ghost. My face are just so dull yet full of pigmentation and old acne scar which is totally hideous. After trial and error, day by day, I found out the secret in achieving fresh radiant face is totally having strict face routine. A day that I skipped my face routine, pimples starts popping up and if it's not, it's just my lucky day. Hence, I figured that I should share my skin routine by introducing all the skin care products that I can't live without. After gathering all of my favorite, this is my most favorite and most I can't live without. Starting from cleansing to the whole night regime. An...