
Showing posts with the label pictures

Don't we all just love taking picture?

Good Day Ladies! I am focusing on ladies coz usually we the only one that love this kind of stuff, so men! Take note and make sure you pick the picture we love okey?  Don't we all love taking picture? taking picture, keeping it in the phone with other picture eventually gone with the other picture.. coz there's just too much picture even to keep. but when we print it and keep it, always seeing it, it will last forever. Don't you think so? Instax camera? just randomly taking picture without any guarantee that the picture that we take, will look nice? or go thro printing yourself? erhhh too much work.. now everything is just a click away, so why even bother right? If you love polaroid as much as i do, where i believe we all do.... TAKE OUT YOUR PHONE! go to GooglePlayStore / AppStore > Search DROPRINT. or you can just click here: IOS -> Android -> DOWNLOAD! Once download comp...