{EVENT} XES- Official Footwear of Miss Global International Malaysia 2014

Hello my beautiful readers! how is it going? good? fine? great? wonderful! so... on the 13 of August 2014 in collaboration of XES Shoes as the OFFICIAL FOOTWEAR of Miss Global International Malaysia 2014 XES team brings the beautiful 19 finalist to the Grand premium Boutique at No.13, Jalan Juruaudit U1/37, Hicom-Glenmarie Industrial Estate, Selangor Darul Ehsan and we just super lucky to get to meet the 19 beautiful finalist! all of them are super friendly, but because i was all alone and super shy taking picture with them is just hurm...... but taking picture with Sabrina is a must! she just always look pretty no matter what. i did also manage to selfie with Sabrina assistant Lina, she is super friendly, and i am super shy. but she manage to get me feel comfortable with her. the last time, we went to XES Grand Premium Boutique we get to see the Summer collection but today, i got my hand o...