{REVIEW & SELLING} Soap that gives me miracle?? The Alpha Arbutin Soap Double by Labdee. Memang berkesan xtipu

Hello pretty awesome! Happy Friday! Yeay..It's already coming to weekend I swear time passed by so fast and faster...don't you think so?? Yesterday, I shared on how I encounter the pimples manifestation and today, I would love to share with you, my lovely reader and friends the cleanser I use ( as you already read on title). Honestly, I'm pretty skeptical when it comes to 'online product' 'Thailand product' and stuff. You know how they produce something in large quantity and so many fakes out there. But one month ago, I was soo desperate on healing my hideous- hideous scar that suddenly I decided to try this Labdee; Thailand Alpha Arbutin Soap dengan terbuka hati..(padahal xtahan tgok kotak die yg color pink and comel) Alhamdulillah after one month, I'm happy to say that it works on me quite well. On the left is a photo of me on my first week of using the soap and the right is a month and so using the soap. I didn't have a photo of ...