September Massive Haul!!

Hello beautiful :) It's been a while like usual...and it's almost at the end of the month. Hence, I figured I'm going to do a massive haul of what I bought throughout September. Most of the things I bought was kind of a splurge kind of things instead of needs. :) But I'm happy, and that's all matter to me. This month I think I'm a bit overspending on things that I don't really need but I promise myself to save money the next month...Hopefully I have the strength and will to do so...Since petrol price are going up like crazy what could be more better than to save your money :) Sometimes I think I'm a shopaholic and I'm scared that I can't control myself to not spend too much on items that are just not worth buying. Since I already did it...I would like to share with you what I bought this month with no shame and slash a review on some item and some of it will be reviewed on the next post :). and PS :some of it was my mom who 'belanja...