My movie datenight LONE SURVIVOR + MBO ALLSTAR

Hello beauties, happy holiday!!how's your day today?? Hope you're having a blast...entry harinie nk campur2 language bole x? Asyik2 ckp org puteh jemu la plak...entry arinie santai je...nk cite2 kedai kopi je...bkn beauty entry pun... So smalam I went for a movie datenight with my boyfie...Since today die nk pergi jauh for a week...nk spend quality time la konon...i n him jarang berjauhan since we both stayed in KL...walaupun jarak antara rumah kami about 20mins away...quite far jugak....seems like so near sbb slalu mkn same and he is type which like to spoil me....seriously...he hate letting me go out for meal by myself...or going for anything alone infact...cmne nk kurus kalau asyik kene treat mcm princess...ish2..but i like that though sbb da trauma dgn kejadian2 lampau... So back to the story....since die nk pergi jauh for a week...I let him choose movie he wanna watch...usually i would pick the movie...because a: taste movie die xabis2 action b: taste kwn2 ...