An idea for better future with PHiLiP'S

Hello beauties, have you ever complain about how's life would be perfect if you were an inventor? Had soo many great ideas like Einstein but got wasted just like that? How about contributing your amazing idea to Philip's for a better future by contributing towards secure safer environment and healthier lifestyle...Philip's as you all may know is a well known brand that create technologies that we use in our everyday life.I personally own an airfryer which I love soo much as I don't even used cooking oil to have my french fries and it taste even crispier than a normal fryer! And with that, I'm proud to say that my LDL (bad cholesterol) level are reducing! Other than helping yourself to live better, Philip's need you and your genius brain to share to the world what makes the earth a harmonious place to leave on..In collaboration with the one and only caring community, The Butterfly Project, I am also doing my part by squeezing my brains to help out... First...