{EVENT & CONTEST} Prosperous day with XES

Hello! It's that time of year again where everyone celebrates days with 'Ang pows' and Mandarin orange...At least that's what significantly I notice every time it's Chinese New Year. Wishing everyone a good day of course! Last few days I was invited by the prettiest girl Sabrina to attend another XES event. I was always in when it comes to XES event cause they often throw the most amazing delightful event. And who wouldn't want to get their hand on cool looking bags and superb comfy shoes? excited faces of me And so, it happens to be in their new XES outlet again in Quill City Mall Malaysia. I'm lucky to be a part of XES journey although just a tiny portion of it. They grew to be so much more trendy and well known worldwide. Moreover, happy that they represents Malaysia in a really good way. Arriving, I was greet by this ink brush and wide spread paper where we all are required to leave mark to this memorable day. I think this rese...