KinoLuau with the Butterflies! + Kinohimitsu Bio-Boost story telling

Hello and Aloha Beauties! How are you? I know, i know...It's been awhile since I post (Like you care..) ...Sadly my lappy had been cracked to thousands pieces...Sob..sob...well..things happen for a reason... Right now I would like to move on to a happy part...which is sharing my exciting fun day at the Kinoluau! Remember my previous post on my proposal to the party ?? BTW, you should try the Kinohimitsu drinks because I'm totally falling in love with it, nyummy and healthy just the way I like it! keep on reading till the end because it's going to be lengthy as I've decided to include review on Kinohimitsu Latest hip product! and yeah...I got invited!! I felt very happy that I've been chosen as the lucky 50 to attend party of the year! Saving all the gratitude for later...Let me enlighten you of what that day has been about and I'll be bragging about it too because it's amazingly the coolest party ever! E komo mai to KinoLuau . pa'ina!! (Let...