{REVIEW} Travelling in style with Supermodel's Secrets: Ke Ganu kite and it's Breastpinktober!!

Hello pretty awesome! I bet some of you already know that I went to Terrenganu for a friend/ blogger/ workmate wedding... Call me 'katak bawah tempurung' but ya...embarrassingly it's my first time jejak kaki kat Ganu kte...Dahla first time...tgok penyu telor pun idok....tgok telor penyu je adoo....eh...melalut plak...bukan nk ckp psl tu pun... So, here's a question, how much time and things do you pack when travelling? simple ? so- so ? or in my case, I'm bringing everything! Don't be ashamed of yourself...Tell ya a lil' secret, I'm that insecure too... Don't know how and why...even travelling for one day makes me anxious...excited of course, but I would pack and unpack and pack till I'm satisfied. Talk about OCD. Whatever it is, I'm glad that I could travel in style. Huge huge thanks to supermodel's secrets for everything that makes me travel like a celebrity. This is me packing for a day..people always says that tr...