PMS pain crazy how-to avoid tips & random stuff LIBRESSE

Hello beautiful people ♥ Today I went to the AEON mall to find what I saw in post..Thanks to her for sharing:). I admit that I'm totally a sucker for cute, adorable things that sometimes can't sleep for days if I can't find the thing that I have my eyes on! And thanks to my bf and my family that always bare with my insaneness towards everything I'm into ;) I'm always appreciative with every kindness that given to me by everyone and I'm learning to give back more. Alhamdulillah.. :) So here's what I bought... Tada... Libresse Super Cute Tin Container with included pads! for only RM1.90 each and with 6 choices of design. For only RM1.90, I decided to bought all designs. They included about 5 pads samples with different kind of size and with or without wings. I think it was definitely a good deal. This is the way to attracts buyer I suppose especially crazy shopper like me :P.. And a good way to tryout samples isn...