Bachelorette surprises dan pengalaman stay kat Grand Lexis Hibiscus,Port Dickson.

Hello! Assalammualaikum...Siapa yang follow I kat IG mesti tau yang I dan few of my high school friends ad pegi Grand Lexis Hibiscus. Sejak dua menjak ni I prefer sharing my own experiences and life events instead of beauty stuff, harap korang tak bosan dan menyampah baca ye..I honestly suka share benda2 macam nie...tapi segan dan takut korang xsudi baca...but if you do, silalah komen least I know korang suka.. This experience is something yang unique...biasanya orang cakap pegi hotel 5 stars memang best..lagi- lagi kalau "budak- budak" macam kiteorg pegi memang jakun habis...tapi sejakun- jakun kami...jangan ingat kami ni tak reti jadi professional... baca sampai habis kaalu nak tau kenapa... I memang tak expect any surprises from them. Of course, kiteorg dah lama mengidam vacation bersama since high school. 2 of them I've known since tadika. After high school ends, we seldom meet because everybody was busy doing their own things. Since I'm the firs...