{REVIEW} Mary Quant Action Lashings Lengthening Mascara in Laurel Green

Hello pretty awesome! It's another review post:) I know I've been telling you girls many times about my Mary Quant price winning from Vanity Trove because honestly, I'm not the luckiest girl ever. But this winning is totally my luck because all I have to do was comment once and magically, I'm the one and only winner. Don't get me wrong. I'm not bragging, but it's true that I seldom have luck in winning stuff:( After a month of this winning announcement, finally my prize arrived. Side notes: I have to pay for the deliver fees. I'm not making this a big deal, but this is something, I think shouldn't be ask by a big company. For roughly rm500 price winning, They include A toner, 4 eyeshadows, a lipstick and a mascara. Mary Quant has a well known reputation to be a good makeup brand. Mary Quant brand has been around since 1934. The founder was born in London and the creator of the whole sensational mini skirts. Hence, no doubt that everything I ...