Another Unboxing and it's MIVVA turn;) my first impression

Hi, hello and good night Beauties:) I'm sorry if I bored you with another unboxing post..What can I say? I love unboxing! and did you heard that Beau Box is coming to town? Yeay! another mystery of unboxing for me to solve. Currently, I've only tried every beauty box once except for two particular beauty bag. One because, it's my favorite and another one because it's the cheapest and valuable in town. Can you guess which? MIVVA is quite limited and hard to get I supposed...It's vibe is similar to Lilac in my opinion...Really mysterious, premium and limited. But looks can be deceiving. Let me tell you what I think about MIVVA at the end of my post;) This month MIVVA came up with the theme, BFF SLEEPOVER KIT! Obviously you could guess what's should be inside right? The first item that is my only favorite would be this one It's an ANTIPODES JOYFUL HAND AND BODY CREAM. in sample size. For 120mls it values at RM149. I totally love love lo...