{REVIEW} Sana Hadanomy Collagen Mist

Hello pretty awesome! I've been reviewing this in the past and this time it's my second big bottle purchase because I truly think this is by far the best face mist I've ever use. You can click here for the first impression review . This is why I love this mist soo much! I would say my face is on the oily side. When I wear makeup for long hours, my face would get extremely shiny and weird but ya bearable. At first, I was buying this mist to try out. But I didn't use it everyday until one day I decided to give it a full on go. So, I started using this mainly as moisturizer, before and after makeup or even on naked face . And I also tried this on my extremely dry feet. I have to admit that even though it's only a mist, this is something essential for me recently. Instead of patting powder on face for top- up or fixer, I often use this and I could see that my complexion becomes smother and even makes my makeup look radiance and glowy mixing with this mist. The e...