Lip Tint

i am a lip tint lover, i lovee it so muchh, because it last longer then any other lipstick, it is also look more natural. so i do a little online shopping at which kakak also do the shopping and i just do the asking and paying, hehe. credit to kakak! Thnx kakak! Since it is from Korea i have to wait for 2 week! After waiting for 2 week for my tint to arrived in my doorstep here it is!!! have u ever feel so mad seeing the model wearing it and it look so pretty because they lips are naturally pink and pretty? i have kinna blackish lips so i personally mad and jealous when seeing their lips are so pinkish. for u guys that have the same problem as me, i will do the review just for u guyss okey! so this is the first one, it is Cherry Hot Pink The second one is Cherry Red OVERALL SATISFACTION: ♥ ♥ ♥ OUT OF 5 hope i can help! ps, no edit, Iphone 5 camera XOXO Y Follow Me please!