{REVIEW} Super comfy contact lens from Supermodels Secrets & Safety tips

Hello pretty awesome! I'm going to post a Raya entry soon! Yay or nay? Anyway...today I'm gonna share with you girls another secret of mine for big dolly eyes! I have talked about contact lens before and that was high end brand. You may expect a little bit expensive lens if you shop there. Frankly, I'm scared of super cheap contact lens cause I heard many bad tragedy happen to random people. Before that, I don't care much about it. I even wore pasar malam cheap lens brand. Not to say all pasar malam brand can't be trusted. It's just that you have to be smart in choosing the right one. I say it once and again. Beauty does not mean you have to suffer. Thanks to Supermodels Secrets, I found new favorite contact lens. They are just adorable super sweet shop I ever known. As claimed by SS, they are 1 00% originally from Korea and you can expect cute dolly eyes wearing them. Mine is in grey. They have quite few colored lens that you can choose fr...