Perla Coffee.

hello beauty people! is it too early to wish Happy Chinese New Year? just in case we forget, Happy Chinese New Year! and.... dont forget my ampau ehhh? so are u a coffee lover? im not! but do u know that now Perla Coffee. is the new intrend? Perla coffee is superb! for those who love coffee. by drinking this, u can also make ur skin super white. dont believe me? okey lets meet the founder of this superb coffee, she is superb white rite? dont u just wish u have her skin? ps, im not selling this superb coffee. but today is my 5th day drinking this coffee. so far, i dont see much diff, but for someone that is not a coffee lover, i love the taste. i just afraid i be addicted to it, and had to buy it again. my intention is just to try for a month. but.. lets see.. the first time i drink this coffee, i had to go to the toilet 3 times and pee.. i dont know is it the coffee it self, or it is just a cold night. after one month maybe i ...