{REVIEW} BeautyMate Purifying and Hydrating Nano toner

Hello Beauties! Quite some time kan I didn't post? Biasela..me being busy at work...feels a bit stress out because my work schedule are plotted like crazy as if we were a robot...I don't understand how and why some supervisor just had zero percent of considerations towards their worker. Of course I love my job...but can't stop being sad about it...Oh well, there might be light at the end of the tunnel... How I deal with stress? Of course by doing something beauty related. And thanks to Natta Cosme...my passion towards beauty felt like really paid off when we rewarded for doing something we love...Remember the Marilyn Monroe makeup inspired tutorial together with brush review? Can't believe we won! Looks like we'll be having another set of brush...There is no such thing as too much brushes right? So thanks again Natta Cosme.. Now moving on to today's beauty prod. BTW, pearl are not included. It's for showing purpose only:) So here's Beauty...