online shopping

so recently, i went to my dear friend's open house and she show me this clip on fish-eyes lens. That something like this, I also got to try the clip to my phone. See how beautiful the picture become using the fish-eye lens? Atleast i think it is. i instantly love it when i got to try it for myself! Before this i actually have put my eyes on it. But everybody doesnt support me to buy it, they keep saying i wont used it and so on bla bla blaa.. But when i got to see for myself i was so determine to buy it. My dear friend said she can buy for me for only rm60, but i was so stubborn and wanted to buy it by myself, so i search thro google fish-eyes lens clip and found at which is only for rm50. Without making any research whether this website can be trust or not i just buy it. I buy it on 25august2013 till now 1september2013 i still didt receive it. But at the website said that i have to wait for 30days. So i guess i just have to wai...