Good Day! So good news! PHARMATON® WANTS TO REWARD YOUR ACHIEVEMENTS! It already March 2017, so how your resolution going for 2017? Be honest! coz mine..... Seriously! i can make a lot of excuses, but at the end of the day i know it's all up to me. We all know, it’s not easy to keep your resolution in track. We understand. I understand. That is why , Pharmaton ® would like to give Malaysians the extra mileage to those eager to keep their resolutions and achieve bigger and better things throughout the year! Because Pharmaton ® understands that acknowledgement is easily forgotten. With its latest “ Reward Your Achievement ” campaign that encourages Malaysians to reflect on their achievements in 2016 and celebrate their hard work, as well as fuelling them to fulfil their resolutions in the upcoming year. “Pharmaton® really see the importance of acknowledging Malaysians who have put in the hard work whether it is in their professio...