360 Bazaar Kuala Lumpur; 2014 Vintage Feastival

Hello pretty awesome! If you're reading this and feel like going, I apologized peeps, cuz it has ended...Just sharing the aftermath though... So hope Monday won't be so blue with this post...photos overload as usual:) First and foremost, thanks to Duriana for inviting me to the hip event. I think I already mentioned what's Duriana in my blogpost once. http://www.withlovekisses.com/2014/03/the-360-bazaar-kuala-lumpur.html K fine, mesti da lupa la tuu... Duriana is a phone apps; virtual marketplace FOR second- hands thing a.k.a vintage old things. Est. just recently if I'm not mistaken in view of the need for a more exciting vintage market apps. Basically, it's like Mudah or Lelong concept where you sell your thing online. The best about Duriana is the cool, easy interface. Duriana also requires GPS so that they can automatically locate item sells nearby your home.The price item sells in Duriana are based on seller. Instead of PM seller for every negotiat...