{ANNOUNCEMENT} Winner for Natta Cosme Cerro Qreen Brush!

Hi girls! Remember this email?? "We apologized for the delay in announcing the winner. It was extremely hard for us to choose as we hate choosing winner. However, we got to do what we got to do. But we decided to keep the 2 winners of Cerro Qreen brushes a secret until they've been contacted by Natta Cosme. Surprise surprise. There's more...since Natta Cosme wanted only 2 names for the winner, we feel bad for the others that didn't win so we decided to send a little token of appreciation our self. As we use our own money to provide this gift, it might just be small...but hope you'll love it. So if you're not winning, expect gift from us." "some may already received their gift.for the winner, you will also received gift from us and by that gift mail, you will know that you're the winner.... for every one that has received the gift, we really appreciate if you could take the time to upload a picture of it to our fb page www.facebook.co...