Iftar with the Bloggers at #siakappadu Restaurant Emak Engku
Last Thursday i got to attend the 'it' event for blogger. The Iftar with the bloggers by Hai Blogger community! Not only i got to meet the person behind all the beautiful words on the internet, i also got to meet some entrepreneur and singer. Hai Blogger is actually an active community in Malaysia, and Iftar with bloggers have been a continuous event for every Ramadan. This year marks the 4th year for Hai Blogger organize for all the blogger to be together and celebrate breaking fast together. The influence meet the blogger be like "this is the people behind words at the internet" and we be like " suddenly bird and all kind of insect passed by... *krik krik* " Fyi, we blogger is very shy taw. Get to know us 1st personally than only we allow you to see our craziness. Ohh not to forget! The best part...... the food! We are so lucky to eat at Restaurants Emak Engku that is famous with the tagline #siakappadu after the Siakap Stim ...