{REVIEW} Travel easily with Makeup Brushes in a PU Vegan Leather Tube Canister Cylinder Case Holder

"Behind great art, there's a great person and great tools' or shall we say great makeup brushes? Hello pretty awesome! Ingat tak post yg citer pasal travelling tu? Kalau korang perhati, mesti nampak yg bekas bulat tu.. Mesti korang tanpa segan silu cakap kejadahnye pompuan nie bawak pencil box g travel kan...Tapi korang salah...nie bukan brg kanak2 skola eh... Bace habis2 post nie baru tau dalam ad ap.. Too pretty to resist aight? I just had to play this brushes with my friends. Through experience being a bargain hunter, I noticed most super cute brushes packaging will only be attractive but not functional. Especially in terms of the brush quality and the handle being so fragile and ETC. Upon receiving this, I have not put high expectation for it to be great. Boy, I was wrong. It's pretty inside out! Came in the cutest Tube Canister ,are this cute travel brushes. Before I talk about the brushes, I would love to brag about the canister. Available in four...