
Showing posts with the label Love items

My Bag of ♥LOVE! and some other things haul

Hello beautiful reader! I sooooo excited to share my Bag of Love August Bag that I've literally just received today! Do subscribe if you also wanted to be surprise every time you're opening a beauty box which is actually a bag! Does the website looks too cute to not share? I personally think a bag is better than a box as you can bring it anywhere with you... it is something you wanna keep forever. So...drum roll please!Here's the August Bag!! First of all, just take a look at the bag design. It is THE bag of LOVE...All the LOVE put into this bag is just LOVE! and I just LOVE LOVE LOVE this bag! soo cute and soo adorable that I couldn't resist to change my makeup bag to this bag instantly..:D .  Mimi (the founder of Bag of Love) is just someone full of Love...she is also generous that she decided that she's going to donate RM1 for every bag subscribed. So paying RM39.90 is just something too little for this bag which obviously worth a lot more!

My Qoo10 online shop review & some Eid Mubarak late entry

Assalammualaikum W.B.T ♥ Selamat Hari Raya. How's your Raya? This year, I've celebrate with simplicity as I was working on the Raya Day. However, just wanna share few Raya things that I've been doing. Meet my siblings, instead of balik kampung we went for the mall. In the morning, we were able to visit my late granma grave, I never met my grandma.She died at young age. But please send Al-Fatihah to her.... Even though my Raya was just plain I was happy. My Raya looks was inspired by Hijabista Raya Edition which I've reuse old wardrobe add some laces to it . The baju kurung is an old baju kurung that my aunt gave me, it fits me well but I just make it shorter and add lace. Lace cost me about RM25 per meter. And I match it with a kind of mermaid umbrella skirt (not sure the exact names are) which is RM30. The second looks is a purple peplum dress RM15. Just a lycra kind of fabric, (if I'm not mistaken,) and match it with the same kind of

My Birdbird is cute!

Bonjour my reader! Just a short post, i want to show off my freaking cute bird that kakak give to me.. Every colour has it own smell. Mine's smell like green apple. Ohh yaa it is actually a hand creme. And it is freaking cutee!!!!!!! Lovee it the minute i saw it. Kakak give me the green one ONLY! But still so very grateful, Kasih kakak! Muahmuahhh!  Ohh yaa do follow me on twitter& Instagram s'il vous plaît? Which is yanarusli  Merci, au revoir. Xoxo Y

Jalan2 JALAN TAR & pre RAYA

Mayb entry nie a little bit too late tp...xkesa..nk jugk cite...sibuk sngt...Shopping raya kali nie dan da berkali2, ofcos la ke Jalan TAR..biarpun puase, biarpun sesak, xpernah sunyi Jalan TAR nie mejelang raya...Jalan TAR atau name penuhnye Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman atau dulunye dikenali sebagai batu road ni da sngt femes da diklgan org Malaysia khususnye org KL...xpastila kalao ad yg xpena jejak kat sini...Jalan TAR same jugk dgn baazar2 lain tp kesibukkan die luar biase...mungkin kerane kedudkannye ditgah2 kotaraya...dn berdekatan dgn pengangkutan awam,chow kit road, dataran Merdeka, Sogo, KLCC, Aquaria (jauh skit la...) tp still ditengah2 bandar..Mane x sesak nye... Bile pegi tmpt yg sesak mcmnie..adalah baik jike kite limitkn membawa brg2 berharga dn duit yg bnyk..walaupun niat mmg nk shopping... So hasilnye..iqa bli brg under puas ati... Then penat shop cpt2 blk bwat cookies for raya...stiap taun penah miss this cookies cuz simple but nice...xjemu mkn...any


Hoiiii tngokk kauu. Duluu muke titiktitik jahhh. Tp tngok sekarang ni, no more!!!  So nk share skit laa kat korg ape i pkaii,   Tngok laa dia siap post dlm beg comel molekk nii lgg! Ohh lupee plakk nk bgvtaw ape name dia... Name diaa.... Dam dam damm...(drum rolee) " FLAWLESS SET ". Mmg effective gile. I bru pkai for 1 week dah nmpk bezanyaa.. It not just hilang kn jerawat it also putihkann, gebugebukann, berseri seriii kauu jahh knn? Hahahha. Actually i ni xde maslah jerawat pon.. Or i actually xpena nk kesah sngt if jerawah tumbuh. Tp since pkai ni.. Jerawat xtumbuh2 n makin putih.. (Putih ke?) hahahha.  Ni gambr pling latest i. Just nk share laa. Sharing is caring kn? Nk tnjuk caring skitt. If nk tahu where korg boleh pkai jugk, leave comment below!  P.S, camera from iphone 5 je. XOXO Y Follow Me!

Shopping in KWC Fashion Mall

Not to sure what to post about on my first ever blogging post.. Since I've recently went to KWC Fashion Mall ...Nk share what I bought there..Bagi sape yang xtau...KWC stands for Kenanga WholesaleCity..boleh chek out website nie kalau nk tau kat mane - Dah few times jugak pegi sini...just nk share some tips of my own bile shopping kat sini....Since brg2 kat situ tersngtlah bnyk dn macam2...anda akan jd rambang mata pegi situ..especially kalau anda mcm sy...gatal tgn kalau x beli :D So bile pegi sane...or even mane2 pown. 1) Make a shopping list and only bring enough reasonable money to buy things on your list.. 2) Don't stick to one kedai...kept on surveyying. 3) Kalau xnk beli borong..make sure harga brg berpatutan dibandingkn dengan harga borong. 4) Kalau barang mahal...baik beli borong....share2 la dgn kwn sekaki shopping...jd baru lah berbaloi. 5) Kalau barang terlalu murah..pastikan kualiti dan kuantiti memuaskan. dan bawalah kereta besar