
Showing posts with the label online shop

Kawaii Kimmi Doll @ Hishop♥

Hello Beautiful Readers:) Just a quick share.. Recently I bought another fragrance in   by Bloop. This is my second purchase of the same perfume with different scents!  See my first purchase entry-----> I've been searching almost every corner of online beauty shop to buy this fragrance, frankly there's non easier access than So, I decided to just buy it. Its affordable and worth buying! In Hishop, it is available in five choices and even in miniature! I'm intending to collect all as it is so unbelievably cuteness! Do visit to own one! only RM129.00 OR the cute miniature at RM48.00. (All descriptions of scents are courtesy of Billie is a delightful fragrance with top notes of bergamot, raspberry & fig leaf. It then opens into the smell of cotton candy, lily of the valley & cherry blossom and ends with the sweet notes of musk, vanilla and white wo

My Qoo10 online shop review & some Eid Mubarak late entry

Assalammualaikum W.B.T ♥ Selamat Hari Raya. How's your Raya? This year, I've celebrate with simplicity as I was working on the Raya Day. However, just wanna share few Raya things that I've been doing. Meet my siblings, instead of balik kampung we went for the mall. In the morning, we were able to visit my late granma grave, I never met my grandma.She died at young age. But please send Al-Fatihah to her.... Even though my Raya was just plain I was happy. My Raya looks was inspired by Hijabista Raya Edition which I've reuse old wardrobe add some laces to it . The baju kurung is an old baju kurung that my aunt gave me, it fits me well but I just make it shorter and add lace. Lace cost me about RM25 per meter. And I match it with a kind of mermaid umbrella skirt (not sure the exact names are) which is RM30. The second looks is a purple peplum dress RM15. Just a lycra kind of fabric, (if I'm not mistaken,) and match it with the same kind of

As easy as Hisop ;)

Hi beauty bloggers, This is my second entry! You can definitely check up my first love Hishop entry I'm soo excited as they offering 30 luckiest Hishop Beauty Ambassadors to have a chance to win a beauty box!! So, beautiful Hishop Beauty Ambassadors, Let's make a fabulous Hishop entry!!. My entry today, is mainly for beginners whom interested to shop in Hishop. You won't regret shopping there. First step, go to Click sign-up Fill up field required. Including your addresses. When filling up, make sure the information is correct. It is easy as you only need to fill your address once time and when you've made purchase, it's already filled for you ;) Do you know that Hishop offers you FREE DELIVERY for purchase above RM50? Yes it's true! and also are you from out of Malaysia? Don't worry, Hishop also offer INTERNATIONAL DELIVERY . Worried about undel

Ramadhan & Telekung Raya @ Bella Ammara.

Assalammualaikum W.B.T ♥ Entry kali nie iqa nk share experience during Ramadhan. Bile bekerje di hospital ramai pesakit yg xpuasa sbb xdisuruh dan ad yg xboleh...dn Terpaksela telan air liur bile suap pesakit..walaupun hakikatnye makanan hospital xdela sedap sngt...Jd dlm keletihan melayan kerenah doctor lg , kite kdg2 lupa tanggungjawab kite terhadap pesakit Islam yg terlantar..Baru2 nie iqa berkesempatan menghadiri majlis ilmu, Ustaz tu membuka mata iqa dgn kenyatan die bahawa 'sesungguhnya kerja seorg jururawat adlah ditengh2 dosa dan pahala..kalau kita mampu ajar pesakit solat dn kite mampu ingtkn pesakit solat sudah cukup untuk kite mendpt pahale tp klo kite sendiri yg bwat hukum pesakit xperlu solat sedangkan pesakit mampu, wajib dan waras...kite pown share dosa pesakit...Semoga Iqa xlalai dlm pekerjaan dan ibadah...Amin..Sekadar peringatan buat diri sendiri. Untuk menaikkn semangat iqa beribadah dibulan puase :) Iqa shop telekung kat Bella Ammara . Cantikkan bile mo