
Cloudy with a chance of meatballs 2 spoiler alert!

HELLO BEAUTIES♥ I was so excited to share that I went to see the premier of  Cloudy with a chance of meatballs 2 which will be out on the third of October. Thanks to Nuffnang for the invitation to join in the fun! Since I got a pair of tickets I force my boyfie to tag along..Honestly, we never ever went for an animated children genre movie ever since together for 7 years because he often prefer action comedy kind of movie. And whereelse, I don't mind watching any movie as long as it's not violent or a total crap.Since I force him to watch with me, I told him that he could sleep if he finds the movie a total boredom but suprisingly he stay awake all the way through :) At the end of this movie he admitted that he was kinda enjoying this movie. So if he's enjoying this means I'm recommending this movie to all . Doesn't matter if you're a granpa, granchild, auntie, uncle, sister, brother or adik2..come and watch it because you'll enjoy this movie indee

Natta Cosme Beauty Bag September.

Hello beautiful people.. This is just a short unboxing of Beauty Box by Natta Cosme. I was browsing through Natta Cosme website and stumble upon the beauty bag. They say they're just started out on a beauty bag. Before this, it is similar to a beauty box but you can see what's inside upon purchasing, but this time it's definitely a surprise. Like always, I'm often interested on surprise type of beauty box. So, I'm giving it a try! For RM19.90 it's definitely cheap to try on a bag that few had reviewed on. This is what I got from the bag, A PACK OF MASKS BY SOPHIE MONK BEAUTY A HELLO KITTY MASK NONEY STRAWBERRY MASK BY BEAUTYDIARY AN ALL PURPOSE SKIN CREAM BY EGYPTIAN MAGIC A BB CREAM MADE FROM JAPAN A PLACENTA C JELLY AN AM+PM SKINCARE ALL DAY NO SHINE SEBUM BALANCER AN OIL OUT TEA TREE TONER BY NARUKO A LEMON FLAVOR KISS LIP SOFTSENSE LIP BALM A HAIR CLIPPER VELCRO TYPE THING Here's my thought on the bag: Fo


HELLO BEAUTIES...How's your Monday so far?Mine was gloomy...but I feel like last week was a delivery week...Friday alone I've received packaging from Poslaju , GDex, Ta-q-bin and some other courier. Mail day was an exciting yet tiring day ,as you wait, you wonder will it come today or will it not..especially when you're working shift like me...and no one's're kinda hoping someone's would pick it up so you won't have to pick it up at the post office and ruin the whole exciting mood.. 4pm My bag of love was delivered..I thought delivery time was only around 8 to 2pm..After waiting, at 2pm I was already disappointed that my bag of love didn't came in...but then it did! Yeay! Thanks Mr.postman for delivering my box/bag, though it was a lil bit late.. Since the first bag of love I've subscribed in August , I'm always looking forward to the next one. Mimi always gives this sneak peek to what's going to be in the bag for t

Sana Hadanomy Collagen Mini Mist Heart Bottle Edition & Bavipahat Strawberry Toxifying Mask.

Hello beautiful people. Again, I'm going to do a product review of things I bought in I kept coming back shopping in as if I'm married to it. I just love the attention that they provide when you're buying products from them. Especially when they bubble wrapped your things and provide the cutest pink box ever. I've done several reviews from Hishop if you ever wanna check it out , just click on the TAG : Hishop . PS: I'm going to be hosting a giveaway soon, all thanks to . Do drop in again :) I'm sooooooo excited my-selves. I bought two things only as I figured I wanted to buy something that I would use frequently and of course, it would BE a mist spray and a mask. Mist spray that I bought from is a little bit special because.. How can you resist the cuteness of the bottle? I've admitted several times,or many times indeed that I'm a sucker when it comes to cute things like this. Sana Hadanomy Collagen Mini

September Massive Haul!!

Hello beautiful :) It's been a while like usual...and it's almost at the end of the month. Hence, I figured I'm going to do a massive haul of what I bought throughout September. Most of the things I bought was kind of a splurge kind of things instead of needs. :) But I'm happy, and that's all matter to me. This month I think I'm a bit overspending on things that I don't really need but I promise myself to save money the next month...Hopefully I have the strength and will to do so...Since petrol price are going up like crazy what could be more better than to save your money :) Sometimes I think I'm a shopaholic and I'm scared that I can't control myself to not spend too much on items that are just not worth buying. Since I already did it...I would like to share with you what I bought this month with no shame and slash a review on some item and some of it will be reviewed on the next post :). and PS :some of it was my mom who 'belanja