Massive Brushes Haul & Beauty Online Shop Experiences Bad & Good

HELLO Beauties, Happy Friday!......TGIF,SO Let's cuci mata with a haul of mine...Yes, this month I went crazy with brushes...the story behind this is a long bear with me...
I've been eyeing on Real Technique brushes for the longest time...Since, it cause quite a rave, it went into Malaysia market real quick...Sadly went it came in store, it would cost double the charges including tax. Even online shop charges inappropriate amount of price for brushes. I decided to search for the best price sold over the net and found one online shop that sells this brushes the cheapest. Sadly, the online shop only accept credit card which I clearly don't have. Having credit card will only makes me spend more n more. So one day, my wish is about to came true when a friend of mine offered combined shipping for online order.

I was so happy and agree to it...3 months had gone by, still no news from the company..So my friend decided to contact the company. They replied in a week and says that there's nothing they can do unless the item are return to their warehouse. My friend told them that she ordered a lot. The least that the company can do is return money or mail us a sorry letter. Before came into dead end, my friend contacted the courier, the courier tried their best to search for the parcel however, at the end it's still the same. Hence, my friend ask either the company can make an exception towards the situation by refunding our lost or at least shows some good feedback towards their customer. However the last reply the we got is this.
"I am sorry I cannot further assist you in this case since the proper correspondence has been provided to you, please refer to the following link for a responses to concerns addressed in last and previous emails: you may also refer to our past correspondence which touch base on all points brought to our attention. Thank you. Have a great day."
 Yes, we're fully understands your policy. Just that as my friend is responsible in buying for four people and have lost a great amount of money, the least that they can do is to respond by mailing a sorry note and few samples or something instead of just that 'sorry' respond. For a big company, I don't think it's such a big deal to refund. But yaahhh disappointment all the way.
The online shop that has been disappointing me is called iHerb
This online shop offers the cheapest of all international online store that ship to Malaysia I could find. And if you're looking for US drug store brand like Physician's formula, Elf, Aubrey organics and others. This is the shop. However, since it ship from US. The amount of shipping fees are quite expensive. So the best way is to share shipping fees. But when faulty happen, the customer service is bad. And they only offers credit card for payment option. No more iHerb for me.

Out of disappointment, I decided to spend a little amount money of mine to buy just an ok brush from CCM. It's their own brand brushes. So it's incredible cheap and made here in Malaysia I supposed. The reason I love to try the brushes is because of the flat top. After not getting real technique, I was eyeing on Sigma Flat top brushes. However, at that time, it was over my monthly budget limit. So, this is how I ended up with CCM. I also bought NYX Matte Lip Cream here, because the price are cheaper than Sephora. I also convinced it's an original product of NYX after they showed me the comparison between original and local. offer brands like Sigma, NARS and NYX. The price are considered cheap and affordable. Although it offers high end brand. There's not many of item range they're selling. The packaging are just normal wrapped paper and it took about five days to delivers. Payment method they accepted includes bank transfer. So it's good for me. They also have giveaway section for their customer.

Then I felt like I need more brushes...a flat top is just not I decide to join another friend of mine buying some BH cosmetics brushes from MySale. My friend had been dealing with Mysale quite frequent. One thing about MySale is that they're international, so ya credit card usage are required..and the products are often different based on period offers. However, the price are affordable and sometimes to hard to resist. They even sells clothing material. As it was shipped internationally,  it took about a month to arrive in Malaysia. The great thing about MySale, is that they offered combined shipping.
Since it took a month for the order to arrived, as it took so long, and I've always wanted Real Technique and found the best deal ever. It is based on Malaysia. Hence, the delivery time are just amazingly fast.
Plus, most of the brands available in are almost all high- end.
Here, I think is the best place if you're looking for high- end products with valuable price. The packaging are just simple, simple enough but delivered safely. They also on and off had great deal aside from valuable price range.I also love that they given freebies. For instance, they have discounts on festive season and certain brand. They also provide wait-list as in iHerb. Since most brand are internationally imported, some might just out of stock. The great thing about wait- list is they will alert you once item available. Upon receiving my order, I am truly pleased to have my Real Technique! Wanna know if it's the best?? Wait for my review:)

I am then satisfied with my brushes collection. But luck was on my side, I won another set of brushes from Natta Cosme!
I totally gonna review this and announce something awesome soon;) Natta Cosme has been my one favorite online shop because they sells Asian brands that are high- quality and brands that you can't find in you local store. The best about Natta Cosme is the packaging and the efficient delivery time. They also have reward point system . And of course, not forgetting the beauty bag that they have. As before, I have reviewed some. I totally love the affordable beauty bag and amazing creatively decorated bag.
Natta Cosme

Finishes with my brushes journey, I couldn't forget to mention another online shop favorite of mine. by far, have the best online system interface. Hishop offer brands in wide range. Either internationally and local. The good thing is about Hishop is the delivery time and cute delivery box. Which means, you're guaranteed safe delivery. They also offers point system where you can exchanged to point cash in certain amount.

Another great web interface that I encountered with is
Hermo Logo also offers Asian brand. I know about but have not yet to try experience it. One great feature of is that they offers Hermo Mask Combination Box. For mask lover, this is the best way for you to experiment plenty of mask in a box.

Last of the last is 
Few month's back, I have reviewed this online shop. Supermodel's secrets offers amazing item that you won't find anywhere in Malaysia, SS specialized in selling item that are to ease our daily life to be beautiful.
The price are also worthy. I also love that the founder are the kindest person ever. She treats every customer with love.
On my bday, I had ordered a palette that I really love. And being a kind person she was, She included bday present and also bday wishes card...Aww...

That's it...I really hope that this post help you a lot.
Be sure to comment ^-^

Till next time, Salam


  1. give me a set pliz..ehehee i've never own any brushes set T_T

  2. Banyak sangat pulak berus tu! Hahaha. Untungla :D I baru order RT Blush Brush from Mesmerize and also some other stuffs :3

    1. Tu la psl...da bankrupt da mmg nk sngt RT...sedeyh xdpt kat iHerb..

  3. 1st time beli di iherb ambil masa nak sampai. Bila 2nd time seminggu dah sampai. Beli Real Techniques di iherb best sebab murah. Hehe.

    1. tu nasib x baik...ape pown xdpt...


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