Hijab Style for the insecure people travelling

Alhamdulillah..masuk bulan 11 ni baru life tu teratur sikit lepas kahwin. Mula2 kawin rasa serabut kepala sampai sekarang pun still terumbang ambing tapi at least dah makin biasa dengan life as a wife. But life as a blogger maybe dah makin jauh ketinggalan. Nak honeymoon pun takde masa sebab management kerja memang menyedihkan. Lepas majlis cuti sehari je. sob sob..So, I mampu pegi Cameron jek ngan suami. Dahlah time jerebu. Nampak kabus and hidu asap jek.
Yang penting I dapat jugak merasa kemanisan honeymoon tuh. So anyway...I nak share my experience as a Hijab person and being insecure as I was, I memang pastikan semua benda nak hangkut pergi travel. But over time, I learnt that less is more sebenarnya..janji kite pandai planning nak bawak apa.
Eventhough we've been dating for soo long, travelling is not our forte. Even Genting pun tak jejak bersama. So after married, suami jadi a bit shocked seeing me pack so many things for a day trip (itupun lepas dah kurangkan banyak brg:p) So here's  my tips for best hijab style in surviving a trip without so many things but surely being stylish and comfy.

The perfect travel bag – keep in mind that the bag you carry when you are travelling is very crucial to your hijab style approach. I suka bag yang handy yet nampak unik and of course cantik and suit all occasion. Bag color universal like black is always a plus sebab senang nak matchy2 with all the baju. And make sure the bag ada tali for shoulder carry cause I wouldn't want to make my hands full just for bag carrying kan..nanti nak pegang camera and monopod and stuff.

Don’t be afraid of height – Siapa kata pergi jalan2 xsesuai pakai kasut tinggi? It's actually bagus bila berjalan kat tempat lecak and also makes you look taller ok. Yang penting choosing the right shoes. For those yang travel by car bolehla bawak few pairs like me. But in the end I would suggest the one shoes that can fits all occasion even for hiking.

Plan your outfits – Lastly, like I said before, planning tu penting! Try to bring hijab that is in universal color to match all your outfit or vice versa. And one more crucial part of hijab is that try choosing material that is less likely to wrinkle sebab you never know tempat tu ad iron ke nak gosok. And plus you save more time to explore than bazir masa menggosok.
That's all for tips of the day. Sharelah sikit tips you alls. Of all, have fun travelling, buang all the problem at home and keep smiling.


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