Birthday Althea tapi kte dpt hadiah #Altheaturns1

Hello, Assalammualaikum. Da bersarang blog agaknye since the last time I wrote. Well.. after becoming housewife I choose to fokus on being one kononnye laa..padahal xde mase nk blogging, nk kms rumah, nk keje, nk masak..hihi and tau2 je became idle in the blogging world. Insha Allah someday I might come back to do this and compiled all my life up (Please pray for me). Tapi buat masa sekarang, jemput2 lah follow IG @iqa_yana kalau nk reach me out.

Taknak bernostalgia arinie...Harinie amat special sbb nak buat birthday shout to Althea Korea!!

SAENG-il CHU-kah HAM-ni-dah, 
SAENG-il CHU-kah HAM-ni-dah, 
SA-rang Ha-neun Altheaaaaaaaaa
SAENG-il CHU-kah HAM-ni-dah

Betul x I nyanyi tuh? Kalau salah pejam mate eh...copy paste je tu..

So anyway, since it's Althea birthday, diorg nk celebrate their special day with uolls. One thing great about Althea is that bile korang pegi their website, korang akan rambang mata sbb banyak makeup kawaii gile mostly dari Korea. And Korea ni famous for their flawless skin and glowing makeup.

Sebab Althea dah berumur 1 tahun, diorg nk blanje korang birthday gift nieee
Althea's Birthday Celebration 20th - 31st July, 2016
  • Limited Edition Birthday Box + DIY Party Kit
    For orders placed on 20/7 onwards. While stocks last.

  • Free Goodies for first 1,500 shoppers
    Full size beauty products. While stocks last. 

  • Birthday Giveaway. Pick 3 Top Sellers for 100% REBATE!
    Rebate will be credited into your account. 

Yang paling best contest diorang, sape nk cpt2 shopping kat
  • #AltheaTurns1 Instagram Contest
    - Got your Althea party kit? Wish us a happy birthday with #altheaturns1 and stand a chance to win amazing prizes such as Macbook Air, Ipad Air 2, iPhone 6S, Galaxy S6 Edge, Canon EOS M10 Selfie Camera, Althea credits and beauty hampers from Althea! 
    - Prizes total worth KRW10,000,000 to be won.
    - Contest starts from 20th July - 15th August, 2016.

*Terms and conditions apply. Please refer to and Althea Facebook for more information. 

Klah..malas nk cite pnjang2 sbb kalau korang xnk lebihla chance untuk I menang...hihi..cpt2 shopping kat I blanje haul ape yg I dpt dlm Althe Limited edition bday box
Dahla comelll kaler pink pulak tu.Ish gerammm.


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