
Hi peeps,

I know it been ages since you heard from us, or more like my sister and less me..
 Since my sis had move on into the marriage life. So i thought like yaa maybe I should try.. I mean why not right? But yaa.. Just telling you guys im not that good with words kinna girl so bare with me? I will try my best. It will be like more pictures less words, but im also not that kinna photogenic kinna girl too. Ohh goshh.. Blogging is hard man. Really respect to those that can do this. Hey teach me please? 

Ohh yana, not good with words end up bebel and no pictures. Sorry๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ. 

okey back to my point of posting this 1st intro konon kinna post, this past few weeks i bern trying this new product which I can't tell u now coz it won't be a suprise (spoiler: its a hundreds of needles that goes to ur face) this product is actually really good but so painful but for beauty.. I mean beauty is pain right? Before i cant stop myself from telling you guys (too excited) let end this here. Stay tune if you guys excited too like i do? 

hey beautiful blogger and reader, if you can guess what do u think the hundreds of needles that goes to your face and skin for beauty? Its start with D

Okey bye. See you on the next post๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜



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