
Hi peeps! Happy Wednesday!  So today will be review on my current fav lip matte.

If you follow me on insta I mostly wear the darker shade (milk shake), like who doesn't love milk shake right? Hahahha

Since i have both I just wanna do review on both. 

i feel like i need to mention this, i got both of this from my best friend (yayah) which by the way, she single. pm tepi klau berminat. 

oh yaa this is not original, it is just Anastasia inspire.

this is the milkshake that i was talking about. 

i feel like it look good on me as you guys can see that im not very light kinna person, im chocolate-ish or i should say im really malay. hahaha (not being racist)

as the other color,
 actually the color itself is very nice, but when it is put on me it will be like.... ergghh

and i have to add some other color to make it look nicer. actually the day i take this picture i very grumpy because of the color. grumpy grumpy pon nak tngkap gmbr kn.

ohh liyana dah tahu its not good on you why the hell you wear it at the 1st place right?

because im a women that cant decide things. and also a human that keep repeating mistake. 


oh yaa guys, heads up;  if you guys are buying a lip matte, what you need to do is always i mean always try it on your hand and WAIT until it DRY! because the dry color is the actual color,
once you let it dry, u will be facing the "oh no how can i wipe it?"situation because its matte and it is really hard to come off. so calm down, and find your self a wet tissue or u can also use any type of oil.
like seriously any type. the 1st try, i used olive oil. which surprisingly smell not so bad and came off like magic. the 2nd attempt i used my bio oil which also give the same result.

see you tomorrow my love.



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