[OOTD]Ootd guysss

Hi people. Happy Thursday!

I feel so bad at being soo lazy for yesterday post. So today i make it up by sharing my 2 type of looks;
Shawl: handmade myself.
Dress: my sister's
Ever since i been posting i came to realise that i always used my sister's stuff, i am such a good little sister lah. kn? Eh. Iloveu sis.
Crop jeans jacket: Rome for Rm120 kot. (Got it when i was 17y/o)
And yes still fit me nicely. Highfive 17y/o me🙏🏼
And flats.
"Less is more"

Another one, same day, diff outfit, same mirror.

My kind of looks for gym.
Yes i do go to the gym. Sometimes. I have really bad time management. 
Oh you guys can get this at h&m
Shirt: RM79.90
Pants: RM89.90

I only manage to get the shirt doooo. Im so sad. I will come back for u beautiful pants!
Oh guys, if you going to the gym wear ur sport shoes. Forgive me this is how girls in the fitting room be like💁🏼Duhhh.

Till we meet again next Wednesday and Thursday?



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