Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Hi peeps, happy Wednesday! Although its weekdays and everyone is working and it can be very grumpy. But hey just 2 days more till the weekend right?

So today post is apple cider all the wayy baby.

Do you guys know that apple 🍎 cider vinegar or ACV have like 1001 benefits? For health and for us for beauty hacks or u can say beauty DIY using ACV.

As my previous post I mentioned that i have used ACV as a toner, but recently I learned that ACV also can help for ur hair, just name ur problem. ACV is ur solution.

As a hijabi, (hijabi is that really a word?) i mean for a person wearing hijab, i bet we all have the same problem, hairfall nonstop. like seriously non stop. So women! Let ACV our hair.

So how ACV works? ACV is full with nutrients that will balance the pH of your scalp that will help to thicken your hair and remove dead skin cells. So it can also help with itchiness and dandruff.

How yana used ACV?

I buy a small spray bottle, put half of the ACV and half room temperature water. Than you will get;

Something like this.

This is my ACV, but you can find many type. I think anything should be okey.

Usually what i do is that i will shampoo my hair 1st, i wash off the shampoo, spray the ACV to my scalp. Let it sit for a while than i let cold water to go thro again to my hair. And im done! 

My 1st trial, i can feel there not that much hair falls compared to before ACV. I just cant wait to see after 1whole month of trying. 

Ohh yaa you can also visit Cooking Detective to read more on ACV.  You will definitely learn alot more about ACV there! I promise you!

Hey lets try with me? 


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