Liyana Surihani

Good Day!

so how life? good? good? Great!

story time: 
the day i went to UNICEF event, i keep saying to my friend Yana. Yes her name is Yana too. That i am actually Lisa Surihani, and everyone is waiting for me. She just ignore lah as usual. The event start at 3pm but registration at 2pm (honestly it doesn't stated on my invitation at 2pm is the registration). Being the usual me, i dont like to be late. Being late create a lot of attention, i am a shy girl so i dont like being in the center of attention. But traffic was bad, parking add up. We arrive at 2.30 pm. Everyone was there, all the photographer was standing outside waiting for Lisa. There this one guy said "Ni la Lisa Surihani" while looking at me taw! i tak tipu! 

That's all. 😏

I hope you not annoy by reading this. 😁

See you next week!



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