China product VS Original product for Dermedics.

Good Day!
We all know China is the country that is famous in copying item, give them anything they can copy it! yes you can get it for a cheaper price but can you actually get the same result? Coz all they care is to make profit, the quality? not in their list of priority.

Recently i have visit Dermedics to check out myself the original product from dermedics and fake product from China. Here for you to know and see yourself the different.

This is the most popular item that China currently copying. Okey here the things you should see before you buy;


The box colour is greyish not greenish 
The red stated"original"
The WHITE bold is thicker than the fake
The small round (R) beside dermedics.
Capital DAB


The box colour is greyish not greenish 
The WHITE bold is thicker than the fake


Have sign at the side box.

Original: have QR code at the back and numbers to contact.

The fake colour is more like a foundation colour and the original is a bit pinkish.

This is the other product that dermedics offered and rumours has it that China is on the way to copy the other product.

The facts that China copying their product is not that surprising for me, but it make me so mad that people actually buy it and used it. The people that i meet during my visit said that they try it themself and their skin breakout so badly. I know we want something that is cheap, but why do we want to buy it at all if we won't get that result that we supposedly want? Make sure do your research before purchasing something. Make sure you get it from an authorise dealer!

Here Dermedics Malaysia FB Page to see or even buy from them.

Till we meet again love!



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