
[Product Review] Original Sprout Tahitian Shampoo 100% Vegan

Good Day! But first read THIS  for all the facts on this product. So today will be a special post as me YR and my sister SR will be reviewing on this Original Sprout Tahitian 100% vegan shampoo and since i unable to show my hair, lucky i have my little brother, i mean that is all the point of having a little brother right? Here a short vid, my little brother got free hair shampoo from the professional taw! Here some before and after pictures; All picture were taken with iphone 6s with flash. Look closely! before my little brother hair a bit dull and dry, but after it just look shining and moist. Honestly, if you really wanna see result you have to try is for a month than only can see the result. "Every good thing take times" For me YR, dry hair is never the main issue, hair falls like niagara falls have always been the main problem. Its normal right women with hijab? or is it really just me? I had tried two times, first impre

{Married Monday} Buat sendiri doorgift esklusif

Salam, ok straight to the point, time nak kahwin iqa memang tak reti nak simpan duit. Tapi Alhamdulillah orang kate kalau niat nak kahwin mesti Allah murahkan rezeki. So memang perjalanan dalam menguruskan barang2 kahwin tu memang sangat smooth sampai kadang2 berangan nak jadi wedding planner. Untuk bajet yang ciput, Iqa tetapkan dalam RM2 maximum per person. Hihihi...nampak sangat kedekut tapi sebenarnya tak pernah pun tetap pada bajet maximum. Mesti terlebih je, biasalah perempuan, mesti nak cantik lagipun kalau kita suka share rezeki ngan orang Allah mesti return balik. Roughly kiraan total bajet ialah seperti berikut: Jar kaca: 70sen Kerepek: 50sen Organza bag: 30sen Sticker: 30sen Gift tag: buat sendiri pakai black and white printer, paper warna- warni, flower punch hold Hasilnyaaaa... Cantik tak?? Jap lagi kite share kat mane port2 nak beli semua nih eh... Yang ada extra mirror keychain dan brooch berjuntai khas for my bridesmaid yang sanggup turun padang

{Jom Jalan2 Jumaat Extended} Bawak anak2 jalan pesta buku big bad wolf

Huhu..Salam and hello..sebenarnya iqa tak suka baca buku tapi suka beli buku..hihi gempak je tajuk bawak anak2...mmg every year ada Big Bad Wolf event kat Mines iqa mesti wajib pegi sebab best sangat...pening husband sbb kene pakse pegi kul 2 pagi gi sana...nasib baik kat dalam ada kafe makanan sedap2... berlambak gile buku best2 unuk dibaca dan ditengok dijual dengan murah...suka gile tengok buku day nak bawak anak2 pegi sini beli buku...nak didik dorang minat membaca eventhough mak dia suke tengok buku je...paling suka shopping je honestly..   Anyway...terpaksa awalkn this post sbb malam nie tepat kul 12 mlm dorang akan wrapped up. So cepat2..tak rugi bawak anak g sini... search Mines je jumpa la tuh... Salam SR

{JOM JALAN2 JUMAAT} Hello Kitty Go Around Malaysia Sale Murah Giless

Salam, Hello! and so I decided to do another day in blog sbb rase cam seronok lak share2 bende2 kat orang... Sharing is caring and caring is nurse, nurse is me...Ok melalut sangat...Actually bende ni dah lame nak share tapi sebab dah terbantut niat pas tinggalkan blog bersarang. Since adik dah rajin sikit nk take over, kite join je ler..layankan aje... Hello Kitty Go Around Malaysia dah lame wujud dan habis tapi memandangkan sale final die tengah on kat The School , Jaya One PJ sampai 18 nie je,rase cam nak citer pengalaman ke sana.Hello Kitty Go Around Malaysia dorang buat kat Viva Home Area Cheras. Harga tiket quite expensive since nak masuk tu just untuk tengok2 je. Tapi sebab Hello Kitty punye pasal ape pun bole. Masuk dalam Hello Kitty Go Around dorang bagi tag Hello Kitty sorang satu pastu buy 2 tiket free 1 cenderahati, pastu masok2 ad stesen photobooth yang comel sangat sbb ad kitty ats merry go round. but camera sendiri diharamkan kat area tuh sebab at the end akan a