
{OUTING} Malswisse Makeup Class Part 1:Skincare TIPS

Hello Beauties! Actually I'm excited to share you my day to Malswisse, School of Beauty and Wellness last year ...yah..time flies really fast..but I just had to share. I'm so blessed that I won RM600 worth of Makeup class in Malswisse FB Lucky Beauty Wheel. Along with my friend +Cindy Tong   , we had soo much fun learning. Cindy might be a pro in these makeup things but I gotta be honest, I'm acting like a kid learning how to properly cleanse my face. Sorry teacher..hihi Meet our cute tutor for that day Miss Carmen, she looks really sweet..Somehow she's a bit 'garang' too... Here's what I learn through the first session...I will definitely share bear with me yaa.. Step by step... 1. Makeup remover The one that provided was a water based makeup remover. I honestly never ever use makeup remover before this class. I usually use baby wipes. However, Carmen says that using baby wipes will cause friction which makes your face prone

{REVIEW} Fairy Blossom at

Hello Beauties:) How's your CNY? Hope everything is A-OK! I would also like to wish everyone in KL, Putrajaya and Selangor, Happy Federal Territory day:D Straight to my main review today^-^...I'm soo excited to be having the opportunity to try this product out...  Why? I heard soo many reviews from all over the net as it was great..Hence, wanna know what I think of it? Let's read:) This is Fairy Blossom made from Fairy Beauty line which believes in Homeopathic Remedies mainly uses natural ingredients. Yes, I'm triggered to try Fairy Beauty as it promise 'Magical Results in 4 weeks! I'm also convinced that this drink is safe as all the accreditation that have been given. FYI: Special Awards winner of the Beauty Supplements category in Cite Cosme Beauty Awards 2012/2013 organized by Beauty (女人我最大), Mina and ViVi magazines. In Fairy Beauty, there's two official and successful products available...and I bet most would know Fairy

World's Hijab Day

Hello beauties^-^ As today is 1st of February, did you know today is the World's Hijab Day? What is Hijab exactly? To me, it's not purely rely on the fact that we covered our head, but as a whole, covering our bad decisions and intentions. As we wear hijab, it teaches us to be patience towards everything. Physically, when I first wear hijab, it teaches me to be patience in wearing them alone and resist from the common society perception 'alasan' of not to wear hijab that is 'panasla' and so not fashionable..Yes.. I said it once..and I'm ashamed of it...Now, I am truly proud of  my hijab. Well when you wear hijab it's actually teaches you to not do stuff that is prohibited by God...even if you really wanted to will somehow feel bad about it...and it also teaches me to look decent, act appropriately and take care of my cleanliness.  I am proud to say that many local celebrities also takes on the journey on wearing hijab and found s

{RANDOM } CERITA Bukan Kerana Aku Tak Cinta

Okay...arinie mmg post yg btol2 obses dgn cite nie da jd tahap xbole kene share...Bukan Kerana Aku Tak Cinta cerita dari adaptasi Novel terkenal.. Sebenrnye agak mls nk layan crite Melayu sbb episod bersiri yang singkt dlm satu mase pastu banyak dan berkait...tggl satu episod da susah nk phm cite.....bila da follow jd obses...lagi satu kdg2 segan tgok org Melayu blakon tulah klo nk jdkn watak tu real terpaksela buat btol2 lakonan....entahla... Xpenah bc novel yg ckp bg pembc novel ad yg xminat dibuat cerita sbb da lari dr novel sbnar...sbb tu iqa x bc novel die...tggu kluar tv je sng...hehe Tapi serius suke watak Jebat...Sharnaaz mmg sngt2 sesuai berlakon jd Jebat sbb karektar Jebat yang kasar dn Nelydia sbagai Mas pun mmg kena sngt...cantik,comel.dan manja...mane x cair Jebat tu... Tu je nk cite sbnarnye...maybe x ramai follow cite bg iqa yg jarang sngt follow cite Melayu...ske tgok cite nie sbb bukan hero die h


Hello beauties! Today we called it laid back Thursday..Why? Again, I've decided to post random topic happening in my day. As usual it has been like a long working week. But I just had to catch up to my current obsession TV Series The Carrie Diaries. Yes, I'm a total sucker for TV Series.Honestly I don't watch much TV.But once I'm engaged, I'm your most loyal viewer. Top 5 TV Series that are still my ♡ are 'How I met your mother' '90210' 'New girl' 'Gossip girl' 'ANTM' and of course many many more..As I recalled the first TV Series got me started on become a loyal viewer would be Gilmore girl. Siape ingt cite tu angkat tgn^-^ I always love movies or anything related to deep thought, conversation kind of stuff. Yes you can call me hopeless romantic.  But this kind of TV which actually puts people thinking and talking. At least that's what I think. Aside from the fabulous clothing she wore in The Carrie Diaries, I l

Cindy's Vday Giveaway!!

Hello  Beauties! My friend  +Cindy Tong  is doing a great Giveaway!! Prizes include: 1.  Lush Bath Bomb Bombardino 2. Lush Snow Fairy Shower Gel 3. Laline Body Scrub in Musk scent 4.  Benefit They’re Real Mascara 5. Benefit Fake Up 6. Benefit Hydra-Smooth Lip Colour 7.  Nature Republic Dream Collagen Set 8. Yadah Cactus Mist 9. Leader in Solution Biocelulose Mask 10.  Nuxe - Huile Prodigieuse (multi Purpose Dry Oil) I wanted Benefit Products fake up soo badly!! How bout you?? Do join in!! CLICK XOXO S

{TAG} Get to know me- Fun edition

Hello beauties! I'm so excited to do this fun tag. It's just something to pass things by. So here's go nothing. 1.What is your dream vacation?  People dream t of going to somewhere like a beautiful beach, watching sunrise. Something common as we called it as a getaway. As for me,I kinda wanting something more adventurous like climbing up mountain or at least let me climb wall of China. Why China? I heard it's a great shopping place where you can get everything in bargain. Yes that would be it..but if really, somehow ten zillion million dollars falls down from the sky for me, I would go to Paris, city of fashion and romance^-^ in reality, if I never ever get to save up, at least I wanna go to Mecca. 2. Are you spontaneous or do you like to plan ahead? I'm a little bit of both! I usually spontaneous when I already planned. Like for instant, I'm planning to go somewhere, I would plan ahead on how to go there and what time to go and wh